Behind the Scenes of Building a Core Offer

Behind the Scenes of Building a Core Offer

My husband loves listening to the NPR podcast: How Did You Do That? Why? Because like all of us, we like going behind the scenes of how a successful business was built. This week I am sharing my own little version of building out my core offer. The story definitely takes some twists and turns. And I am going to be vulnerable and share with you my 90 day vision. Will it work? Only time will tell.

Charging Your Worth

Charging Your Worth

In today’s episode, I am busting one of the biggest myth’s that is preventing you from scaling your online business. I typically don’t pick sides of an issue - I am a no drama mama.   But if I am really being honest with you and the way I sign off my podcasts or emails which is  “ I am always supporting your success,” I have to draw a line in the sand when it comes to charging your worth.  

So if you are ready to hear what I really think about charging your worth - let’s get into today’s episode.