How to Leverage Your Time


When I first started homeschooling I was a hot mess.

I felt like I was behind the eight ball before my feet even hit the floor.

I was running a seasonal business, homeschooling four children, and managing life alone when my husband was called up for a deployment.

I loved the way my pretty planner made me feel. There it was in the chaos of my kitchen island looking all put together and beautiful.

But feeling good about my plans and being productive are two very different things.

Eventually, I broke up with my pretty planner and transitioned to printables, but the same cycle of writing down repetitive tasks each week started to become a chore.

Finally, I had a back up against the wall moment when we moved and downsized our home.

I made the switch to digital tools and never looked back. Now when I say to my children it will only take a sec ....  I mean it.  

I live my life by processes. I can go on for days how processes have supported me in the best of times and when I was at my lowest.

My transition to managing processes with digital tools has been life changing and I can’t help but share with you how to get set up and skyrocket your productivity.

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