Overcoming Mindset Obstacles


WHY do we hold onto the negative experiences or feedback more than celebrating the positive?


Because it attacks our belief around whatever it is that we are doing.

Our belief is who we are to the core.

I don’t think we are afraid of failure. I think we are afraid of our belief being rejected.

To me, failure seems more tangible. It is something I did or didn’t do.

Belief is my identity. It is who I am or who I am trying to be.

It’s personal.

One common belief I find across all entrepreneurs is hope. When your hope is crushed, so is your identity.

Recently, I was doing a LIVE training and started to share a specific story about a situation that seems like it happened yesterday. It felt like someone came from behind and literally sucker punched me.

The change in your pocket would have solved the problem for my customer.

It took me a little longer to find my resolution and understand my impact was bigger than me.

Links mentioned in today’s episode:

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