5 Ways to Use Accountability In Your Business

Part of my strategy for managing the chaos of four littles under the age of five was to very early on implement routines.

When it came to our night time routine we had a solid process in place.  After dinner our routine was bath, bottle, and bed.  Bathtime was always fun time with all of the toys and bathtub crayons.

Next, it was bottle time.  I loved this sweet time of giving them their night time bottle and reading our favorite books.  Good Night Moon, Guess How Much I Love You, and Dr Seuss A, B, C.

After bottles, the children were put to bed by 7:30 and it was MAMA time!  I remember when we would have family members visit and they would ask

How do you get them to stay in bed?  

Thinking back on it now, I believe the structure of the process set expectations for everyone involved.  We all knew we would go upstairs after dinner, bottle time which is beautiful wind-down time to transition to bedtime.  

 Setting up processes like accountability sets up expectations and helps overcome anxiety, procrastination, and overwhelm. A perfect strategy for a bedtime routine and in your business.

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