Now is the Perfect Time


How many times have you said,

“I don’t have time for that!”

What you are really saying is that it’s not a priority for you right now.  Many times when we are procrastinating it is because we feel overwhelmed by the time commitment because we don’t have a clear process to get it done.  

You know I say time is your biggest asset, but I think it is also important to adjust your expectations when it comes to time.  I am guilty myself. For example, I say to my kids

“It will only take a second! “   

and they return 30 minutes later and I am in the same spot.  

It’s time to make peace with time and adjust your expectations on how long it will take to complete a task and be ok with it.  By saying I don’t have time for that reinforces overwhelm, anxiety, and procrastination.

Trust me, when you get on the other side of completing what has become a dreaded task - you are going to feel amazing and probably say to you yourself,

“ That wasn’t that bad and I learned something!”

The goal from today’s episode is to pick ONE task from the list and complete it.  Don’t start another task, just pick one task and take the steps from start to finish and complete it.

Links mentioned in today’s episode:

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