Impact of a Client Testimonial


About three years ago I offered a challenge called “Productivity Ninja” because one of the recurring themes in a community that I managed centered business overwhelm.  

Productivity Ninja was a 3 week challenge and centered around organization, time management, and business goals.

I launched the first week of the challenge and members went nuts.  I totally missed the neon sign blinking right in front of me.

Carol Jeffery, a member of the community participated in the challenge.

After the challenge, Carol wrote:

I'm not sure that it will ever be "finished," but I certainly feel accomplished. The Trello Binder is already making my life so much better. Thank you for the many hours that you devote to making our businesses run smoothly. You Rock! - Carol Jeffery 

Now if you have ever received a note or testimonial from a client or student, you remember how impactful they can be.  

I challenge you to create a process for collecting testimonials.  Not only are they great for your website, ads, and sales pages, but they are also a great reminder when you are having a not-so-good day to pull out and remember that YES YOU ARE AMAZING!

If that was not enough, Carol went on to say that because of the Business Binder that she was saving 5 hours a week.  

Now, for someone whose mantra is TIME IS YOUR MOST VALUABLE asset, I was #rhondabumps excited.

The idea that someone had taken my idea and implemented it in their business and the results had such an impact they took the time to comment and message me was a big deal.  

To drive the impact home for my community, I tied a monetary value with time.  

As a service provider, I recommend a rate no lower than $30 an hour.

Let’s do some math $30/hr x 5 hours equals $150 per week and wait for it $600 a month!

What could you do with an extra $600 a month?

Productivity Ninja went on to be the most impactful tutorial inside the dashboard.  

Carol and I have never met.

We have exchanged messages and emails.  But it was her last testimonial that put the cherry on top and left me in a puddle.

Carol writes:

Rhonda doesn’t know I am writing this, but I had to share.

Do you want the freedom of being effortlessly organized?

Feeling overwhelmed by running your business and household?

Is your daily schedule constantly changing?

Are you emotionally buried because you are trying to remember everything that you must do and how you are going to fit it all in?

There is hope. This is where I was several months ago, but thanks to Rhonda this is no longer the case.

I thought I had my business dialed in , but I was doing everything the hard way and didn’t even know it.

Learning how to be effortlessly organized by streamlining my systems has consistently saved me five hours a week. After many years in the business world, I’ve only spoken of a handful of business management systems and Rhonda’s management system is by far the best that I’ve come across.

I can’t speak highly enough about Rhonda and how much she has helped me clarify my business goals and how to actually accomplish them within specific time frames by being effortlessly organized.

Do yourself and your business a favor and check {Trello Business System} out! - Carol Jeffry

You bet this testimonial is something I go-to when I have not so-good days. 

That testimonial resulted from an impromptu challenge that three years later has evolved into the first step working with me.  

So here is my challenge to you, reach out to those that have made an impact in your business because you never know where that message will lead. 

At the end of the episode, I am sharing the one question you should ask yourself to get started with your very own low-cost offer.

Links mentioned in this episode:

This episode is brought to you by my free Facebook group, Business Strategy Community, where I share free weekly workshops and special guest interviews. If you’re interested in building a profitable online business using strategies that work, this is the free community is for you. Click here to sign up!

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